srijeda, 22. listopada 2014.


In this panel moderated by dr. Inoslav Bešker there were speeches of:

Kay Muehlmann, Danube University in Krems, Austria
Propaganda and Trust: On RESILIENCE in Social Systems a complex adaptive system perspective

Kay Muehlmann see mass media as a part of larger complex social system.

To let the audience understand it he used metaphors from biological world. In complex system parts of the system cooperate without central control (or one group controlling others) to achive more than all of them can do alone (as neurons in brain or ants).

Important aspects of Social System are:
    - Synchronization – structure create social action and vice versa

    - Adaptive cycle - dynamic process that left space for innovations but also is stable

    Three important elements that are most important for good Social System are leadership, social network and trust. In Kay Muehlmann's opinion role of journalism in system is to communicate information, construct of sense of meaning, synchronize social actions and legitimation of roles and actions. Purpose of all this activities should be the benefit of all system. To do it journalists should be ethic and ready to engage and participate in social life. Journalism discourse should be multi-dimensional but also on the same level with audience.

    Sean Dodson, Leeds Beckett University, UK
    Improving online integrity: Towards a code of conduct for journalists on the internet

    In his speech Sean Dodson defended a thesis that all journalism change a lot in case of new media and new technology expect of ethic codes. Sean Dodson analyze about 50 Press Council University codes in Europe. The codes should describe minimal ethic standards to uphold the reputation of journalism. Problem is that codes are often  not updated. For example French code is from 80'. That is one of the reason why codes seem not to notice technological turn, online and multimedia journalism and ethic problems that are connected with that.

    Only a few of codes have mention online journalism problems. 

    Sean Dodson found Dutch code especially interesting in aspect of online journalism. More detail about analyze Dutch code we will manage to read in near future publication. At the end of his speech Sean Dodson showed most important ethic rules which should be in memory of every online journalists.

      And the last rule:
      Conduct yourself on the same level of ethics standards online as in the traditional journalist.

    Fernando Zamith, University of Porto, PortugalMeasuring quality on online journalism: An index proposal

    Fernando Zamith was talking about need of new tool to measure quality of online journalism and compare professional media to citizen media. For first topic Mr. Zamith show the reasons why cyber-journalism should be considered as different than traditional and mention few of the tools that may be useful to measure the quantity.
    For second part he describe his study showing that professional journalism is still more important (most common part of citizen activity is intervention: sharing and liking). He found that professional media are still more reliable than citizen.

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